Learn Function

Learn Function


This test is used to create and store a matrix for use by QuickTest. It can only be generated by Cadex C7x00 machines.


This test applies 3 full and partial charges, discharge and Ohm test to profile the battery state of health and saves data into C-code as a matrix. The duration of this test is estimated with 10-24 hours depending on battery capacity and default setting.


Cadex C7x00-C

Cadex C7x00-C

Result Sample

Detailed report display (see next page) shows three decreasing capacity percentage as well as average cell voltage, analyser charge and discharge current, battery temperature and duration of service.


Please see the following limitation of the Learn Test:

Cadex can't build a matrix successfully for batteries with conditions of:

  • SLA Batteries greater than 2Ah
  • 1-cell and 2-cells NiCD and NiMH batteries
  • Batteries with 800mΩ or above resistance (as tested by Cadex Ohm Test)
  • Batteries that disconnect, reset and give failures while running the Learn test on Cadex
  • Batteries that cannot accept a charge and discharge rate of at least 1C.
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